Piano Tuning: Upright piano tuning is £70.00 Grand piano tuning is £75.00 prices may vary according to distance from taunton. It can take around an hour and a half to tune a Piano that has had regular tunings or considerably longer if not.
This cost includes a complete appraisal of the piano and any small faults or defects that can be easily rectified.
It is generally accepted that in an ideal world your piano should be tuned every 6 months. Manufacturers often recommend three times a year.
The older the Piano, the more likely it will go out of tune because of its structure and components.
Atmospheric conditions will also affect the tuning and condition of an instrument. Too much of a dry atmosphere can damage a Piano, creating splits in the 'Soundboard' and loose 'tuning pins', where as to much humidity will make it hard to play and cause components to swell and create a sticking 'Action' (mechanism).
Six monthly tunings will help keep the instrument in tune for longer over the proceeding 6 months and allow for changes in the seasons. the seasons change the internal humidity of the piano and can raise or lower the pitch and alter the tuning considerably. It is a fallacy that if you do not play the piano, then you do not need it tuned. A piano tuned to concert pitch at a440 makes an instrument more valuable and desirable.
If a piano is tuned regularly and if the instrument is in reasonable condition, it should be possible to tune the piano to a440, this allows the piano to be in tune with other instruments, such as fixed pitch wind instruments, flute etc.
Regular visits to the Piano, also allow us to maintain the instrument in optimal playing condition.
Tuning a Piano regularly helps prevent string breakage, as the less the string is moved, the less chance of breakage.
The Piano is very much a living organism and as such should be cared for so one can enjoy the many benefits of a fine playing and sounding instrument.